Winter Fishing is here
Written by Bubby Hail on .
Cold fronts have arrived. Fishing has still been good with occasional bad day from weather changes. catching Sheepshead, Drum, Snook, Redfish and Snapper. Two or three more cold fronts we should be in full blown winter mode, which means more Sheepshead and Drum. Hope to see you soon.
Fall Backwater Fishing
Written by Bubby Hail on .
The September and October backwater fishing is the best of the year these two months. We have been catching lots of nice size Snook and Redfish. Also catching plenty of Mangrove Snapper and a few Pompano. The live bait is still abundant working passes, beaches and the mangroves. Hope to see you all soon.
Backwater Fishing Update
Written by Bubby Hail on .
The backwater fishing has been very active lately. We are using live baits catching lots of Snook, Redfish and Mangrove Snapper. We are catching Pompano using jigs tipped with shrimp. We are still catching Snarks in select areas. Please check out my Instagram site for the latest pictures.
Catching lots of Fish
Written by Bubby Hail on .
Hello fellow fisherman, Fishing has started getting good along shorelines and passes . Catching some Pompano, Bonnethead Sharks , Whiting and Mackerel. Catching lots of Sharks Offshore of all species.
Marco Island Fishing in February
Written by Bubby Hail on .
Fishing in february, can be challenging, although we have had some big cold fronts Fishing is staying good . We are still catching Sheepshead, offshore and backwater and lots of Sand Trout, and Whiting with occassional bonus fish like Permit and keeper Redfish. Check out latest pictures on my Instagram page at top of website. Please follow at capt bubbyhail